April 26

Top 3 Generative AI Video Creation Tools 2023: Revolutionizing Video Production


Are you tired of spending countless hours creating videos for your business or personal projects? Well, there's good news – generative AI video creation companies are here to save the day! In this post, we'll take a closer look at three of the top companies in this field – Synthesia.io, DeepBrain.ai, and Elai.io – and explore how they can help you create amazing videos in no time.

Best of the Best: Synthesia.io

First up is Synthesia.io. This UK-based company uses cutting-edge AI technology to create highly realistic videos from simple text inputs. With its intuitive interface, anyone can create professional-quality videos quickly and easily. And the best part? Synthesia.io offers over 40 different languages, so you can create videos for a global audience.

Synthesia.io AI video maker


  1. User-friendly interface: Synthesia.io has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to create videos quickly. Users can input their text and choose a video template, and the platform will generate a video based on the input.

  2. Advanced features: The platform offers advanced features, such as customizable animations, background music, and sound effects. Users can customize their videos and create visually engaging content.

  3. Multilingual support: Synthesia.io supports multiple languages, allowing users to create videos in different languages. This feature is especially useful for businesses that want to target international audiences.

  4. Customizable avatars: The platform offers customizable avatars that can represent different genders, ethnicities, and age groups. This feature allows users to create videos that are inclusive and representative of their target audience.


  1. Limited customization: While Synthesia.io offers customizable animations and avatars, the level of customization is limited. Users cannot add their custom elements or designs to the platform.

  2. Limited text input: The platform only supports a limited number of characters per input. This limitation can make it challenging to convey complex ideas or stories in videos.

  3. Limited video length: Synthesia.io places a limit on video length, which can be a problem for users who need to create longer videos.

  4. Subscription-based pricing: Synthesia.io is a subscription-based service, and users must pay a monthly fee to access the platform's features. This pricing model can be costly for users who only need to create videos occasionally.

Close Second: DeepBrain.ai

Next, let's take a look at DeepBrain.ai. This Chinese company (with offices in Silicon Valley) offers a wide range of If you're looking to create videos quickly and without breaking the bank, Deepbrain.ai's generative AI video creation tool might be just what you need. This tool uses artificial intelligence to automatically create videos from text, saving you time and money in the process.

DeepBrain.ai AI Video Maker


  • Time-saving: the AI tool can create videos much more quickly than manual editing and creation.
  • Cost-effective: eliminates the need to hire a video editor or invest in expensive equipment.
  • Customizable: users can adjust the text, voiceover, and other elements to create a video that fits their needs.
  • High-quality output: the AI tool can produce high-quality videos with smooth transitions and engaging animations.


  • Limited creativity: the AI tool may not be as creative as a human video editor, and the videos may lack uniqueness.
  • Limited control: users have limited control over the final output, which can be frustrating for some.
  • Technical glitches: the AI tool may occasionally produce errors or technical glitches, which can be time-consuming to correct.
  • Copyright issues: users need to be mindful of using copyrighted content in their videos, as the tool doesn't screen for this.

Most Affordable: Elai.io

Last but not least, we have Elai.io. This Israeli-based company offers a user-friendly platform that allows you to create videos with just a few clicks. Elai.io's AI-powered video creation tool offers a wide range of customization options, from branding to video length, so you can create a video that fits your specific needs.

Elai.io AI Video Maker


  • Time-saving: The generative AI video creation tool from Elai.io can significantly reduce the time it takes to create a video, as it automates the process of video creation and editing.
  • Cost-effective: The tool eliminates the need to hire a professional video editor, which can be a costly expense for individuals or businesses on a budget.
  • High-quality output: The tool uses AI to create high-quality videos with smooth transitions, animations, and effects, resulting in a professional-looking final product.
  • Ease of use: The tool is designed to be user-friendly and doesn't require extensive technical knowledge or experience in video editing.
  • Versatile: The tool can be used to create a wide range of video types, including explainer videos, product demos, social media content, and more.


  • Limited creativity: The tool relies on pre-made templates and may not be as creative as a human video editor, leading to videos that lack uniqueness and originality.
  • Limited customization: Users have limited control over the final output and may not be able to fully customize the video to incorporate specific branding or design elements.
  • Technical glitches: As with any technology, the tool may occasionally produce errors or technical glitches, requiring users to spend additional time troubleshooting or correcting mistakes.
  • Reliance on templates: The tool's reliance on templates may limit the range of options available to users and may result in videos that look similar to others created using the same templates.

To wrap things up, generative AI video creation companies offer an innovative solution for businesses and individuals who want to create high-quality videos quickly and efficiently. New companies and tools continue to launch and improve upon a lot of the limitations that these early companies have launched.

Whether you choose Synthesia.io, DeepBrain.ai, Elai.io, or another company to try out, you can rest assured that you're getting the current top tools that will take your videos to the next level. I've tested all of these and this was my takeaways. Try one of these amazing tools today and discover the power of generative AI video creation for yourself! I'm excited to see what the next generation of AI generative video creation tools do and how they will be used to change the video industry.


ai content, ai marketing, ai video

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